SCWDS is a Govt. Registered Social Welfare organization, provide this Educational Scholarship for economically poor students.
Education is a basic necessity of life. It is a key determinant in a nation’s economic, social and cultural progress. In a society like India, where disparities and differences on all possible parameters are significant, education can contribute in bridging this gap. Education facilitates in providing access to equal opportunities for all. It has the potential to help the poor come out of the poverty trap.Cost of education
‘Though schooling is provided free by the government, along with free incentives like textbooks, midday meal and uniforms, education still has cost to it, which the poor cannot afford.` Poverty adversely affects underprivileged children, women and men by limiting significantly their education and future livelihood and employment opportunities. According to a government report, nearly 77% of India’s population lives in acute poverty, earning less than Rs 20 a day. A sizable number of parents find it difficult to provide small costs of education.
For the Children Educational Scholarship Programme
Along side providing free scholarship, we have launched scholarship programme to raise the levels of participation of the underprivileged students in school and college education. These aim at decreasing dropout rate, reducing gender gap, motivating students for pursuing higher education and promoting equity.For instance, the Educational Scholarships Programme for underprivileged children, which focuses on, amongst other things, enhancing opportunities through improved access to school education and scholarships for economically weaker section students.
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